Product classifications according to the types of products.
ENTERPRISE for normal products and Serialized
product type for products with serial numbers.
Facility to sell products subject to VAT zero rated
and Exempted items.
Global Changes
Increase or decrease of pay items for all/selected employees can be done with-in very short time. Budget projection also available for planning purposes.
Multiple Selling Price Lists & Discount Matrix
The system enables selection of multiple Selling
Prices and discount types set based on the
quantities per each sale.
Invoice/ Cash Sale
User friendly ENTERPRISE POS function that can
be operated by anyone with basic training.
Supervisory function for all exceptional sales and
discounts to maintain authenticity and internal
The system manages full Debtors management
functionality for Credit Customers. Global POS
ENTERPRISE comes with a simple Customer Module
to manage Credit Sales to approved customers.
Easily manageable features such as, ‘Invoice Set-off’
function to set off invoices with customer receipts
and Credit Notes for goods returned by the
EFDs for VAT Administration
Global POS system is fully compliant with the use
of Electronic Fiscal Devices [EFDs] in the
administration of Value Added Tax [VAT].
Daily Floats & Till Management
Daily Float Management encompasses powerful facility to maintain
Daily Floats in each Till and withdraw from the till for banking purposes.
The system keeps track of total collections at all times without having to
process ‘end of day routines’. This enables management to impose
proper security on the collections by withdrawing funds from till and
keep account of all events.
Product/ Sales Statistics
The system comes with numerous ENTERPRISE
reports on Products and Sales activities in addition
to Global Report Designer for the User
Administrator to design own Reports.
Global POS system is able to generate Barcodes
that will be printed and used for product scanning
Weighing Scale Integration
The system is designed to accept weighing scale
labels with barcode for products subject to weight.
Comprehensive Reports & document formats
• Invoice/Cash Sale – Receipt Printer or laser print format
• Receipt for invoice setoff - Receipt Printer or laser/dot matrix print format
• Credit Note or Cash Refund for returns - Receipt Printer or laser/dot matrix print format
• Sales Summary report based on Tills
• Product Activity report
• Debtors Report
• Stock Activity report
• Stock Take
• Stock Balance/Valuation report
• Client Server Ability
• Product Pricing History report
• Many more…….